
Our waterbed mattresses are made in America and Western Europe with the most modern technology.  They are slightly overcut to relieve stress on the welds.  A recent development is that the corners are left without corner patches since with proper welding this makes them more durable than with extra welding required by the patches.  Also new is that the side seams are placed in the middle of the side.  There the stress on them is most symmetrical, thereby making them more reliable and durable than with the previous placement at the bottom of the mattress.

Virtually any sized or shaped mattress can be custom ordered.  For prices please contact customer service.

All two-person mattresses are available in dual (split) configuration.


dual waterbed mattress
dual option

Hardside waterbed mattresses

Summary Price
40% wave reduced hardside waterbed mattress Limited wave reduction combined with the original waterbed "feeling" from 154,500 Ft 40% wave reduced hardside waterbed mattress
90% wave reduced hardside waterbed mattress Nearly total wave reduction, our most popular model from 166,500 Ft 90% wave reduced hardside waterbed mattress

Softside waterbed mattresses

Whether you purchased your softside waterbed from us or from someone else, it can happen that the mattress needs replacement.  You may also want to switch from a single to a dual (split) mattress.  Our wide selection of mattresses makes any configuration possible, be it tube mattresses, or with lumbar support.  The designated sizes refer to the outside of the softside shell and assume a 75 mm thick (at the top) foam rail on each side with a beveled inside surface.  For custom size orders please contact customer support.

Summary Price
40% wave reduced softside waterbed mattress

The advantages of limited wave reduction

from 157,500 Ft 40% wave reduced softside waterbed mattress
80% wave reduced softside waterbed mattress

Reassuringly significant wave reduction

from 159,000 Ft 80% wave reduced softside waterbed mattress
90% wave reduced softside waterbed mattress

Our most popular softside mattress

from 162,000 Ft 90% wave reduced softside waterbed mattress